Map. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 2024

Par AB PICTORIS, Pierre VERLUISE, le 6 juillet 2024.

Design and production of the map : AB Pictoris. AB Pictoris is a young French company founded by Blanche Lambert, an independent cartographer. Passionate about cartography and geopolitics, she obtained a Master’s degree in Geopolitics (cyber course, IFG, Paris VIII) and in Geostrategy (Sciences Po Aix) after a degree in Geography and Regional Planning (Paris I).
Commentary on the map : Pierre Verluise, Doctor in Geopolitics, founder of

As of mid-March 2024, 23 member countries of the EU-27 are members of NATO-32. Most EU member states are therefore also members of NATO, including France. This dual NATO/EU membership results in subtle issues. April 4, 2024 will mark the 75th anniversary of the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty.
A new map co-published on and AB Pictoris, designed and produced by Blanche Lambert.
Large format map at the bottom of the page, JPG and PDF

FOUNDED in 1949 amid the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) might not have outlived it. However, the European Union was unable during the 1990s to demonstrate its ability to end the wars in the former Yugoslavia ; it was the United States and NATO that were mobilised. The former satellite countries of the Soviet Union, along with the three Baltic states that were forcibly sovietised, have retained from several decades behind the Iron Curtain documented perceptions of the Russian threat. Post-Cold War, their legitimate need for security was satisfied by their accession to NATO, then to the European Union. The resurgence of Russian aggression in Ukraine on 24th February 2022 even led two European Union member states previously strongly committed to their neutrality to take the step of joining NATO : Finland and Sweden. In other words, this war, which Russia does not even dare to call by its name, led to a further expansion of NATO. As of mid-March 2024, 23 of the EU-27 member countries are members of NATO-32. Thus, most of the EU member states are now also members of NATO-32, including France. This explains why this map is placed here in the "EU" section.

Map. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 2024
Map. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 2024
As of mid-March 2024, 23 member countries of the EU-27 are members of NATO-32. April 4, 2024 will mark the 75th anniversary of the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty. View the map in high print quality PDF format Design and production of the map : AB Pictoris. AB Pictoris is a young French company founded by Blanche Lambert, an independent cartographer.
Lambert/AB Pictoris

This dual NATO/EU membership results in subtle issues that have long seemed to penalize the development of European defense. Since February 24, 2022, EU/NATO relations have been strengthened... but the hypothesis of a re-election of D. Trump as President of the United States raises questions.

View the map in high print quality PDF format

Map in JPG format below.

Publication initiale sur le 27 mars 2024
Copyright for the map AB Pictoris/Blanche Lambert
Copyright for the text Verluise/


. Estelle Hoorickx NATO’s 75th Anniversary : Challenges and Opportunities to the Test of Russia’s War in Ukraine
. See Map. Tectonics of the European Geopolitical Plate. When the Fracture of Geographical Europe Accelerates : The Consequences of the War in Ukraine (February 24, 2022 - April 2024)


Tous les podcasts géopolitiques de l’émission Planisphère depuis septembre 2024, en un clic. Et avec en bonus une synthèse rédigée, c’est possible ? Oui, ici.

Titre du document :
Map. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 2024

As of mid-March 2024, 23 member countries of the EU-27 are members of NATO-32. April 4, 2024 will mark the 75th anniversary of the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty. View the map in high print quality PDF format Design and production of the map : AB Pictoris. AB Pictoris is a young French company founded by Blanche Lambert, an independent cartographer.

Document ajouté le 27 mars 2024
Document JPEG ; 814718 ko
Taille : 1200 x 846 px

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As of mid-March 2024, 23 member countries of the EU-27 are members of NATO-32. Most EU member states are therefore also members of NATO, including France. This dual NATO/EU membership results in subtle issues.

Mots clés — Key words

1949NATOUnited StatesMapDefence strategyCanada2024European Union (EU)

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