Mot-clé :
European Union (EU)
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
6 juillet 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
FOUNDED in 1949 amid the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) might not have outlived it. However, the European Union was (...)
26 octobre 2024, par Bruno DUPRE
NO single European state can cope with the world’s disorders. There is therefore no other choice than the European Union, unless we want to put (...)
13 février 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
This map displays the importance of big countries in the EU (the Franco-German partnership, but also the triangles it makes with Italy or the UK (...)
20 juin 2024, par Pierre VERLUISE
IS THERE a clear definition in European treaties of the countries eligible for membership in the European Union (EU) ? Yes and no. The Lisbon (...)
28 mars 2024, par Estelle HOORICKX
THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE is an old lady who, 75 years after the Washington Treaty signature, has shown an outstanding capacity for resilience and (...)