Mot-clé :
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
6 juillet 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
FOUNDED in 1949 amid the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) might not have outlived it. However, the European Union was (...)
9 juillet 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
FONDEE en 1949 dans le contexte de la Guerre froide, l’Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique Nord (OTAN) aurait pu ne pas y survivre. Pourtant, (...)
4 juin 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
Voir la carte et le texte en français
AT THE INITIATIVE of Moscow, the resurgence of the Russian war against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, (...)
28 mars 2024, par Estelle HOORICKX
THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE is an old lady who, 75 years after the Washington Treaty signature, has shown an outstanding capacity for resilience and (...)
16 janvier 2010, par Sven BISCOP
WITH the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU’s European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) has been re-baptized the Common Security and (...)
14 mars 2010, par Joaquin BROCH HUESO
L’ORGANISATION du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord (OTAN) a constitué l’outil principal de sécurité de l’espace euro-atlantique depuis la fin de la Seconde (...)
23 mai 2010, par Philippe CONDE ,
UNEXPECTEDLY, and cloaked in secrecy, both Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Ukrainian counterpart, Viktor Yanukovych, announced on 21 (...)
23 avril 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
The year 2024 will be a significant one for the European Union, marked by the election of representatives to the European Parliament in June. (...)
12 mai 2009, par Jean-Pierre MASSERET
Is France betraying the French Republic’s universal values, its role and influence in the world ?
FRANCE is a major country. Its rallying cry of (...)
14 novembre 2008, par Francis GUTMANN
THE PROBLEM of France’s position within NATO is not a new one. It goes back not merely to the 1960s, but to the late 1940s, and it has revolved (...)
8 février 2013, par Atelier de cartographie de SciencesPo
Voici une carte extraite du n°57 de Questions internationales, La Russie, au défi du XXIe s, La Documentation française, Septembre-Octobre 2012, p. (...)
26 novembre 2010, par Leo MICHEL
SINCE 1999, 12 nations from the Baltics to the Balkans have graduated from partnership with NATO to membership [144]. Hence, it was no surprise (...)
19 août 2009, par Luc SAVOYANT
JUST AFTER the appearance of the White Paper confirming the principle of French deterrence, at a time when we can detect signs of a second Cold (...)
13 octobre 2016, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
Travelling along the banks of the Rhine, Victor Hugo realised back in 1840 how much this divided river also had the potential to bring peoples (...)
17 novembre 2010, par Stéphane ABRIAL
61 YEARS after it was founded, the Atlantic Alliance is more than ever one of the main pillars of its members’ security, and more widely one of (...)