Jean-Louis MARTIN

Jean Louis Martin est un économiste confirmé, avec une vision globale de l’économie mondiale et une connaissance approfondie du "monde émergent", en particulier de l’Amérique latine. Il y a vécu plusieurs années, en Colombie et au Mexique.
Après ses études à l’Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et d’Administration Economique (ENSAE), il a travaillé plusieurs années comme consultant en macroéconomie, en finances publiques et statistiques économiques. Il a ensuite rejoint le secteur bancaire, avec des responsabilités dans les équipes de recherche, mais aussi dans des fonctions commerciales dans la banque internationale.

Biographie détaillée de Jean-Louis Martin, en anglais

French citizen.

An experienced economist with :
A global vision of world economics, with an in-depth knowledge of emerging countries (with various local experiences) ;
Very strong writing and presentation skills ;
Experience as both an economist and an operational banker ;
Successful experience as a leader : as head of research teams and as country representative ;
A proven ability for strategic thinking, including involvement in the decision-making process.
And also : a proven versatility, with an ability to work successfully in multicultural environments.

Professional experience

Historical background

2018- : Independent consultant.
1991-2017 : Banque Indosuez, then Crédit Agricole Indosuez (CAI), then Calyon, then Crédit Agricole SA (CASA) (entities of Crédit Agricole Group).
1990-1991 : Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique (now : Agence Française de Développement), Paris.
1990 : Planistat (an independant consultancy), Paris.
1988-1990 : Department of Statistics, Praia, Republic of Cape Verde.
1983-1988 : SEDES (an economic consulting company with a special focus on developing countries), Paris.
1981-1983 : Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
1980-1981 : OECD Development Centre, Paris.


Latin America : Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Central America.
Subsaharan Africa : Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger, Mali, Guinea.
Middle-East, North Africa : Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon.
Developing Asia : China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, The Philippines, South Korea.
Central & Eastern Europe : Russia, Ukraine, Serbia.

Examples of missions and achievements

Economic analysis
2008-2017 : Head of emerging countries, then head of macroeconomic research at Crédit Agricole SA.
Responsible for economic forecast, and writer or editor of many country or thematic research.
Macroeconomic follow-up of Latin America and Subsaharan Africa.
Supervision of two teams of 12 economists and 5 interns.
1991-1997 : Head of emerging markets research ; Banque Indosuez.
Macroeconomic follow-up of Asia.
Supervision of a team of 4 economists and 2 interns.
1990-1991 : Senior economist at CCCE (Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique), Paris.
Follow-up of Southern Africa (Madagascar, South Africa, Angola).
1987 (6 months) : DCGTX, Côte d’Ivoire.
Support to the economic team : short-term forecasting, debt management, project evaluation (with SEDES).
1980-1981 : Junior consultant at the OECD Development Centre, Paris.
Research on the mining industry.

Edition and presentations
2018 (July) : Presentation "New leaders, changing environment, traditional policies" [in Latin America] at an Agence Française de Développement meeting.
2017 (Sep.) : Presentation "Political Risks in Latin America" at a regional meeting of French "Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur" in Cartagena, Colombia.
2008-2017 : Editor of all Crédit Agricole SA’s macroeconomic publications.
Including "Perspectives Emergents", the only French-speaking weekly on emerging countries.
Many presentations to clients and Crédit Agricole staff on countries, regions, and specific issues, in French, in English and in Spanish.
2004-2008 : Writer of some general management’s speeches and presentations, Calyon.
1991-1997 : Editor of Banque Indosuez monthly review "Emerging Perspectives", covering about 35 developing countries.

Economic statistics
1991 : Madagascar’s national institute of statistics (INSTAT).
Support to build a simple national accounting and short term forecasting model (with CCCE)
1990 (Oct) : National Statistics Department of the Republic of Guinea.
Audit and proposals of reforms (with Planistat, for the Fonds Européen de Développement).
1988-1990 : Technical adviser at the Department of Statistics, Praia, Republic of Cape Verde. The Department included about 30 people, among them 5 professionals. I was primarily in charge of national accounts, but was involved in a general back-up of the Department.
Complete reorganisation of the National Accounts system (with data processing tools and documentation written in Portuguese).
Revamping and maintenance of the consumer price index.
Participation in a survey of companies and in an in-depth investigation on household consumption.

Corporate & project finance
2018 (May-June) : World Bank.
Financing economic infrastructures in Morocco and Tunisia : evaluation and recommendations.
2002-2004 : Regional representative for Mexico, Central America and Carribean ; Crédit Agricole Indosuez.
Management of a team of 8 people.
Monitoring of a $800m country exposure.
Representation of all the business lines of the Bank ; major activities : corporate and project finance.
1999-2001 : Project manager, corporate, export and project finance in Latin America ; Crédit Agricole Indosuez.
1997-1999 : Project manager, export credit and trade finance in Northeast Asia (China, South Korea, Taiwan) ; Crédit Agricole Indosuez.

Risk management
2008-2017 : Leading contribution to the development of a new country risk model ; specific interest in the political component of the economic and financial risks ; member of the "country-risk committee" and of the "country-rating committee" ; Crédit Agricole.
1997-2004 : As the project manager or senior country officer in charge, management of the risks related to each transaction, and if necessary restructuring of the default situations ; Crédit Agricole Indosuez.

Strategy & planning
2004-2008 : Senior manager, Strategy and Planning ; Calyon.
Co-management of two Calyon medium-term development plans (with McKinsey and BCG).
Follow-up of international development projects (for example : Iran).
2001-2002 : Deputy senior regional officer, Latin America ; Crédit Agricole Indosuez.
Co-ordination of CAI’s projects in Latin America.
Participation in the approval of corporate and project finance transactions.
Supervision of the 4 Rep. Offices : Mexico, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Caracas.

2019 (Feb.) : Statistics, Direction Générale de la Sûreté Générale, Beirut, Lebanon.
2010-2014 : Country-risk analysis, Sciences-Po Paris.
1992-1997 : Economics of Asia, Institut National des Langues Orientales (INALCO, or “Langues-O”), Paris.
1981-1983 : Statistics and Econometrics, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Voluntary service overseas as an associate professor.


Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique (ENSAE)  : training school of the French national institute of statistics (INSEE). ENSAE is the most prestigious educational institution for quantitative economics in France.
Mathématiques supérieures et spéciales (mathematics for engineers), Ecole Sainte Geneviève, Versailles, France.

Language skills

English spoken and written : used daily ; some reports written in English ; TOEIC : 960 ;
Fluent Spanish : 20 months in Colombia, 3 years in Mexico, and used daily at home ;
Very good knowledge of Portuguese : 2½ years in Cape Verde.

Selected recent publications

Amérique latine : quel virage à droite ? ; ; February 2019 ; also available in English (Latin America : what right turn ?) and Spanish.
Political Risks in Latin America : A Bit Less Quiet Than It Seems ; Crédit Agricole ; April 2017.
Exchange Rate Regimes and Policies In Latin America ; published in French by the "Revue d’Economie Financière", n°124, Decembre 2016 ; also avalaible in English.
Les banques de développement dans le financement extérieur des pays émergents, in "Les banques de développement", October 2016 issue of "L’ENA hors les murs".
Mexico’s Reforms : What’s Done, What Remains To Be Done (and May Never Be Done) ; Crédit Agricole ; May 2014.
Chapter "Medium-Term Prospects for Latin-American Countries", in "Les enjeux du développement en Amérique latine", Agence Française du Développement ; January 2014 ; also published in Spanish and Portuguese in March 2014.

LinkedIn profile  :


Biographie mise à jour en 2019

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