Clare Wenham, professeure assistante de santé mondiale à l’Ecole d’économie de Londres.
Source : LSE
Dr Clare Wenham is Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy. She is the Director of the MSc in Global Health Policy and sits on the steering committee of the LSE Global Health Initiative.
Dr Wenham’s work mostly falls in the cross-over between global health and international relations focusing on global health security and global health governance. In particular, her recent research has concentrated on Zika, Ebola, and more broadly, on the governance structures of the global health landscape and global disease control.
She previously worked at the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, delivering a series of projects relating to surveillance and transmission of infectious disease.
Prior to this, she undertook a PhD in International Relations at the Centre for Health and International Relations at Aberystwyth University examining the tensions between global disease governance and individual state sovereignty. During this time, she was awarded a fellowship at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, and consulted for the Asian Development Bank.
Before starting her academic career, Dr Wenham worked in public health policy roles at the Faculty of Public Health and for an NHS Trust.
Biographie mise à jour en 2020
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