Alice Billon-Galland, associée de recherche au programme Europe de Chatham House (Royaume-Uni)

Source : Chatham House

Alice Billon-Galland is a research associate in the Europe programme, covering security and defence issues. Prior to joining Chatham House in October 2019, she led the European defence programme at the European Leadership Network (ELN) in London.

Her research focuses on European security and defence issues, transatlantic burden-sharing, and the implementation of the new EU defence package. She also follows developments at NATO and in French foreign and defence policy, and regularly comments on defence issues for international media from Deutsche Welle to the Wall Street Journal.

Alice is part of the Leadership Team of Women in International Security UK (WIIS UK) and a member of the Younger Generation Leaders Network on Euro-Atlantic Security (YGLN). She is also a 2018 GLOBSEC Young Leader.

A graduate of France’s Ecole Normale Supérieure and holder of an agrégation of English language, Alice completed a Master’s degree in Public Policy at University College London and was a visiting scholar at Northwestern University in Chicago.

Biographie mise à jour en 2020

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