Mot-clé :
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
4 juin 2024, par AB PICTORIS,
Voir la carte et le texte en français
AT THE INITIATIVE of Moscow, the resurgence of the Russian war against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, (...)
18 septembre 2014, par Pierre VERLUISE
Do post-Soviet Russia’s designs for the European Union carry legacies of the strategies of the former Soviet Union ?
The Union of Soviet (...)
23 mai 2010, par Philippe CONDE ,
UNEXPECTEDLY, and cloaked in secrecy, both Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Ukrainian counterpart, Viktor Yanukovych, announced on 21 (...)
15 mai 2011, par Levon ISAKHANYAN
AFTER the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics the region of the South Caucasus became an area of different (...)
8 février 2013, par Atelier de cartographie de SciencesPo
Voici une carte extraite du n°57 de Questions internationales, La Russie, au défi du XXIe s, La Documentation française, Septembre-Octobre 2012, p. (...)
3 décembre 2019, par Pierre VERLUISE
“NATO is dead (…). Turkey has left, nobody reacted and the USA did nothing to prevent it”, declared Jacques Attali on the France Info radio station (...)
29 octobre 2021, par Bruno DUPRE
. Global Commons – such as Polar Regions, Cyberspace, Outer Spaces and High Seas (including maritime security and deep seabed mining) - are (...)
25 avril 2018, par Françoise THOM,
Laurent Chamontin (L.C.) : Russia’s March 2018 election results leave no doubts. But then, why hold elections ? What is the logic behind the (...)
1er mai 2008, par Sławomir DEBSKI
A l’EXCEPTION D’UN COURT EPISODE dans les années 1991-1993, l’état des relations polono-russes reste depuis des années à un niveau médiocre et (...)
16 janvier 2009, par René CAGNAT
EVEN IF the prospects for Central Asia, rich in hydrocarbons, uranium and gold, seem promising, its future remains a cause for concern. This (...)
21 novembre 2013, par Florent PARMENTIER,
Version en français
Pierre Verluise : To what extent is the Eastern Partnership the result of specifically Central European initiatives, notably (...)
22 mai 2018, par Pierre VERLUISE
THE ATTEMPTED nerve gas poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter on March 4, 2018 in the United Kingdom has resulted in a series of (...)
25 mai 2011, par Audronius Ažubalis
What do you think about the plans of the Belarusian authorities to construct the nuclear power plant 30 kilometers from the Lithuanian border ? (...)
10 octobre 2008, par Pierre-Emmanuel THOMANN
THE conflict between Russia and Georgia illustrates a constant which is too often forgotten in international relations, and two new factors. (...)
27 juillet 2014
This work offers clear, precise answers to the following questions :
. How far does the European Union still plan to expand ?
. What relations (...)