Mot-clé :
United States of America
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
9 mai 2009, par Peter HARRISON
Growing interest
In the space of just a few years, the Arctic has gone from being totally ignored to being the flashpoint for a new form of (...)
21 novembre 2013, par Florent PARMENTIER,
Version en français
Pierre Verluise : To what extent is the Eastern Partnership the result of specifically Central European initiatives, notably (...)
4 septembre 2011, par André ERDOS
Other speakers have - and will - address this morning the multifaceted issues of the consequences of what happened in New York City ten years ago (...)
28 mars 2024, par Estelle HOORICKX
THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE is an old lady who, 75 years after the Washington Treaty signature, has shown an outstanding capacity for resilience and (...)
3 décembre 2019, par Pierre VERLUISE
“NATO is dead (…). Turkey has left, nobody reacted and the USA did nothing to prevent it”, declared Jacques Attali on the France Info radio station (...)
23 octobre 2019, par Bruno DUPRE
I. Major preoccupying trends
1/ Not many "Atlantists" left in the US
Talk to NGOs, staffers, US companies. There are not many "Atlantists" (...)
29 octobre 2010, par Pierre VERLUISE
THE ELECTION of Barack Obama to the US presidency on November 4 2008 was broadly perceived in the European Union (EU) as bringing essentially (...)
19 août 2014, par Philippe de SUREMAIN ,
In June 2012, the Euro international soccer competition drew attention to Ukraine in controversial fashion. How did this turn of events arise ? (...)