Mot-clé :
Nato’s role
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
28 mars 2024, par Estelle HOORICKX
THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE is an old lady who, 75 years after the Washington Treaty signature, has shown an outstanding capacity for resilience and (...)
13 octobre 2016, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
Travelling along the banks of the Rhine, Victor Hugo realised back in 1840 how much this divided river also had the potential to bring peoples (...)
14 novembre 2008, par Francis GUTMANN
THE PROBLEM of France’s position within NATO is not a new one. It goes back not merely to the 1960s, but to the late 1940s, and it has revolved (...)
3 décembre 2019, par Pierre VERLUISE
“NATO is dead (…). Turkey has left, nobody reacted and the USA did nothing to prevent it”, declared Jacques Attali on the France Info radio station (...)