Mot-clé :
European Union
Articles liés à ce mot-clé :
25 mai 2011, par Audronius Ažubalis
What do you think about the plans of the Belarusian authorities to construct the nuclear power plant 30 kilometers from the Lithuanian border ? (...)
25 juillet 2010, par Camille GRAND
DISARMAMENT, in the broadest sense (non-proliferation, arms control, humanitarian disarmament, confidence-building measures, arms reduction and (...)
6 novembre 2020, par Bruno DUPRE
THE Covid19 pandemic is far from being over but it is already accelerating and accentuating major existing trends as well as generating new (...)
29 octobre 2021, par Bruno DUPRE
. Global Commons – such as Polar Regions, Cyberspace, Outer Spaces and High Seas (including maritime security and deep seabed mining) - are (...)
23 octobre 2019, par Bruno DUPRE
I. Major preoccupying trends
1/ Not many "Atlantists" left in the US
Talk to NGOs, staffers, US companies. There are not many "Atlantists" (...)
13 octobre 2016, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
Travelling along the banks of the Rhine, Victor Hugo realised back in 1840 how much this divided river also had the potential to bring peoples (...)
25 septembre 2016, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
According to Yves Lacoste’s now classic definition, geopolitics is “the study of rivalries between powers for land”. As for “Europe”, a hand-down (...)
11 janvier 2019, par Gérard-François DUMONT,
To understand the geopolitical characteristics of the EU it is not enough to consider the financial resources at its disposal and how these are (...)
25 août 2010, par Andrew GEDDES
SINCE the election of New Labour in 1997 Britain has been witnessing the birth pains of a new civic nation. Before this time (...)
20 janvier 2012, par Atelier de cartographie de SciencesPo,
Roberto GIMENO
Carte du taux de chômage dans l’Union européenne et les pays candidats, extraite du n°51 de Questions internationales, La documentation française, (...)
13 novembre 2008, par Atelier de cartographie de SciencesPo,
Roberto GIMENO
Extraite du n° 31 de Questions internationales : L’avenir de l’Europe (mai-juin 2008, p. 76)
1er septembre 2007, par Atelier de cartographie de SciencesPo,
Roberto GIMENO
Extraite du n° 27 de Questions internationales : La Russie (septembre-octobre 2007, p. 43)