

Bonjour. Vous êtes sur les archives complètes du site géopolitique diploweb.com. Vous trouverez ici les 700 documents publiés entre janvier 2000 et mai 2008.

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Diplomats, academicians and strategists publish new analysis on this site exclusively devoted to contemporary international relations. You will find on this expert, pluralist and transparent site many informations on the European Union states, Central and Eastern Europe countries, the Community of Independent States, Asia as well as on United States of America.


En librairie



Integrationism, interests and power in a troubled European Union. The Eastern Challenge


Whither Gazprom? The EU and Russia's gas



Geopolitics of the European Union. The EU enlargement, what it will change ?

How will the EU enlargement change the geopolitical fundamentals of the community area? Because "the richness lays in the men", this study deals with demographic dynamics and the production of wealth, via economic growth.


« Géopolitique de l’Europe. L’Union européenne élargie a-t-elle les moyens de la puissance ? », Pierre Verluise, éd. Ellipses, 2005, coll. Référence géopolitique, 160 pages. ISBN : 2729822429.  16€



Is Russia blackmailing the West ?

The Transatlantic Partnership: from a troubled love story to a pragmatic grown-up relation



European Citizenship and Lobbying



A new Paradigme for Missile Defense: Strategic Protection


Putin's Russia

Cross-culture awareness and competence






Normpolitik Revisiting Complex Interdependence





Europe in search for Strategic Protection


Romania : the "revolution" of 1989







Romania from 1990-2001


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